INVITATION TO SOCIOLOGY - A Humanistic Perspective
Izdavač - Penguin Books, London
Godina - 1971
224 strana
18 cm
Povez - Broširan
Stanje - Kao na slici, ima posvetu, tekst bez podvlačenja
1 Sociology as an Individual Pastime
2 Sociology as a Form of Consciousness
3 Digression: Alternation and Biography
4 Man in Society
5 Society in Man
6 Society as Drama
7 Sociological Machiavellianism and Ethics
8 Sociology as a Humanistic Discipline
Bibliographical Comments
"'Unlike puppets,' writes Professor Berger, 'we have the possibility of stopping in our movements, looking up and perceiving the machinery by which we have been moved. In this act lies the first step towards freedom.
Sociology is defined as 'the science of the development and nature and laws of human society': but what is its purpose? Without belittling its scientific procedures, Professor Berger stresses the humanistic affinity of sociology with history and philosophy. It is a discipline which encourages a fuller awareness of the human world... to the purpose of bettering it.
The author's comments on the social institutions which men have shaped and on the men whom these institutions, in their turn, have moulded (together with his outline of the contributions of such major sociologists as Weber, Durkheim, Veblen and Mead, among others) clearly and often wittily tell the reader just what sociology is, and define the larger purpose of this social self-consciousness."
Ako Vas nešto zanima, slobodno pošaljite poruku.
Alternation Charisma Conversion Emile Durkheim Economist Erving Goffman Identity Ideology Robert Lynd Karl Marx George Mead Robert Merton Talcott Parsons Race Albert Salomon Alfred Schuetz Max Weber Weltanschauung
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