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Hrvatski iseljenički zbornik 2005

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Hrvatski iseljenički zbornik 2005

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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

48.919 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

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Detalji predmeta

  • Stanje Polovno

Hrvatska matica iseljenika/Croatian Heritage Foundation/
Fundación para la Emigración Croata
Zagreb, Trg Stjepana RadiÊa 3
Za nakladnika/For Publisher/Por la editorial
Nikola JelinËiÊ
Urednica/Editor/Editora en jefe
Vesna Kukavica
Uredniπtvo/Editorial Board/Consejo Editorial
Nikola JelinËiÊ, Vesna Kukavica, Diana ©imurina-©oufek
Kristina BediÊ ∑ za engleski/for English/croata ∑ inglés
Ivana Barbara BlaæeviÊ ∑ za πpanjolski/for Spanish/para español
Lektori/Language Editors/Correctores de estilo
Diana ©imurina-©oufek, Jadranka Varoπanec ∑ za hrvatski/for Croatian/croata
Kristina BediÊ ∑ za engleski/for English/inglés
Luis Miguel Blazevic ∑ za πpanjolski/for Spanish/para español
Darko Horvat, Ratko Mavar, FAH, Arhiva
Micromarket, Zagreb
Luka GusiÊ
DENONA, Zagreb

ISSN 1330-3724
ISBN 953-6525-30-5
Tamburaπki festival Omladinske kulturne federacije Hrvatske bratske Zajednice SAD-a i
Kanade, trideset i osmi po redu, odræan u Zagrebu (srpanj, 2004.) na kojem su uspjeπno
nastupili brojni mladi ameriËki Hrvati, te jubilarni Deseti tjedan hrvatskih manjina (rujan,
2004.) u organizaciji Hrvatske matice iseljenika ∑ uporiπne su toËke prema kojima smo
izabirali pristigle radove za novi broj MatiËina godiπnjaka. Posebne je teme potaknuo i
Prvi kongres hrvatskih znanstvenika iz domovine i inozemstva (Zagreb - Vukovar, 15. ∑
19. studenoga 2004.) u organizaciji Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i πporta. Hrvatski
iseljeniËki zbornik 2005., sa saæecima na engleskom i πpanjolskom jeziku, stoga ima 8
tematskih cjelina, koje se sastoje od 32 samostalna autorska priloga, a ima elektroniËku
inaËicu na internetu na adresi . Tematske cjeline: Znaci
vremena, Baπtina, Dijaspora, Mostovi, KroatistiËki obzori, Duhovnost, Znanost, Nove
knjige ∑ prate veze dijaspore i domovine u procesu kulturne integracije hrvatskoga
iseljeniπtva s domovinom. Priloge su pisali uglavnom mlai struËnjaci SveuËiliπta u
Zagrebu (TanjiÊ, Holjevac, PeriÊ, MesariÊ, ©alat…) ili SveuËiliπta u Córdobi (©prljan….),
ali i naπi pouzdani stalni suradnici. Proπirenjem Europske unije na zemlje Srednje Europe, gdje obitavaju hrvatske manjine, na dnevni se red stavlja pitanje buduÊnosti
manjinskog statusa Hrvata u ujedinjenoj Europi. Perspektive manjinskog statusa u
ujedinjenoj Europi mogu se najjasnije izvoditi, za sada, ne samo iz Okvirne konvencije
VijeÊa Europe o zaπtiti nacionalnih manjina, nego i iz Europske povelje o regionalnim
i manjinskim jezicima. VrsnoÊom oËuvanja kulturnog identiteta izdvaja se hrvatska
manjina u Maarskoj, unatoË teritorijalnoj rasprπenosti i viπestoljetnoj odvojenosti od
stare domovine. Izvrsno je organizirana pa tako, osim πkolstva, radija, televizije i
nacionalnoga kazaliπta, ima i vlastito nakladniËko poduzeÊe Croatica, koje je za samo
pet godina objavilo viπe od 70 knjiga. Preko oceana meu hrvatskim iseljeniπtvom
odvijaju se zapaæeni kulturni projekti (Kanada, SAD, Argentina, »ile, Australija…)
koje stvaraju pojedinci i naπe udruge. Zadivljuje interes mladih hrvatskoga podrijetla
πirom svijeta za zemlju svojih predaka. Tako je argentinski mladiÊ hrvatskog podrijetla
napravio diplomski rad na SveuËiliπtu u Córdobi na temu æivota naπe tamoπnje zajednice,
koji je potaknuo mnoπtvo djece hrvatskih iseljenika iz Amerike da mu ushiÊeno piπu
elektroniËkom poπtom i kliËu: Sada znamo svoje podrijetlo! Trideset i dva samostalna
priloga naπega godiπnjaka, u svakom sluËaju, donose pregled najznaËajnijih kulturnih i
druπtvenih procesa u hrvatskim zajednicama u dvadesetak zemalja svijeta.
The 38th Tamburitza Festival of the Junior Cultural Federation from the Croatian Fraternal Union of the USA and Canada, where many young American Croats participated
successfully, took place in Zagreb, as well as the Tenth Week of Croatian Minorities,
organized by the Croatian Heritage Foundation - both starting points for the selection of
works for this year’s Croatian Emigrant Almanac of the Foundation. The First Congress
of Croatian Scientists from the Homeland and Abroad (Zagreb-Vukovar, 15-19 November, 2004), organized by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, stimulated
special themes as well. Therefore, the Almanac of the Croatian Heritage Foundation
2005 with summaries in English and Spanish contains 8 thematic units comprising 32
contributions from independent authors, and is also published electronically on the
Internet in the web page: . So the thematic units: The Signs
of Times, Croatian Heritage, Diaspora, Bridges, Horizons of Croatian Studies, Spirituality, Science, New Books - follow the connections between the Diaspora and the homeland in the process of cultural integration of the Croatian emigration with their homeland. The contributions were written mainly by young experts from the University of
Zagreb (TanjiÊ, Holjevac, PeriÊ, MesariÊ, ©alat …) and the University of Córdoba (©prljan
…), as well as by our faithful permanent collaborators. With the expansion of the European Union towards the countries in Central Europe where there are Croatian minorities, the question of their status within unified Europe arises. The prospects of the status
of Croatian minorities in unified Europe can, for the moment, be seen most clearly not
only from the General Convention of the European Council on the Protection of National Minorities, but also from the European Charter on regional and minority languages. Excellence in maintaining the cultural identity sets apart the Croatian minority
in Hungary, despite their territorial dispersion and centuries-long separation from the
old country. They are excellently organized, so that, beside schools, radio and television
programs and the national theatre, they have their own publishing house, Croatica, which
published over 70 books in only five years. On the other side of the Ocean, there are
some amazing cultural projects (Canada, the U.S.A., Argentina, Chile, Australia …)
within the Croatian emigration, created by individuals and our associations. the interest
of the young people of Croatian origin all over the world in the country of their ancestors is amazing. So we find a young Argentinean of Croatian origin who prepared his
degree paper at the University of Córdoba that made a great number of children of
Croatian emigrants in America to e-mail him: Now I know where I come from! Anyway,
thirty two independent contributions to our Almanac present a general picture of the
most important cultural and social events in the Croatian communities from over twenty
countries all over the world.
El trigésimo-octavo Festival de Tamburitsa de la Federación Cultural de Jóvenes de la
Comunidad Fraternal Croata de los E.E.U.U. y Canadá, en el que con éxito actuaron
muchos jóvenes norteamericanos croatas tuvo lugar en Zagreb, así como la Décima Semana
de las Minorías Croatas, bajo la organización de la Fundación para la Emigración Croata
- ambos puntos de partida desde los cuales elegimos los trabajos enviados para el nuevo
número del Anuario de la Fundación. El Primer Congreso de Científicos Croatas de la
patria y del exterior (Zagreb-Vukovar 15-19 de noviembre de 2004) bajo la organización
del Ministerio de Ciencias, Educación y Deportes estimuló temas especiales. Por lo tanto
el Anuario de Fundación para la Emigración Croata 2005 con resúmenes en inglés y en
castellano, cuenta con 8 unidades temáticas que comprenden 32 contribuciones de autores
independientes y está publicado en forma electrónica en la

Uslovi prodaje prodavca

  • Plaćanje Tekući račun (pre slanja), Lično
  • Slanje Lično preuzimanje, Pošta


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100% pozitivnih ocena u poslednjih 12 meseci

48.919 pozitivnih ocena

Leskovac, Jablanički okrug, Srbija

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